

It was during our first adoption from Ethiopia that God grew a passion for orphans and orphan care. We are currently in the process of bringing home a 5 year old girl with special needs from China. We can't do it alone. Please consider becoming piece of the puzzle.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Thinking and Knowing Are Two Different Things

God teaches me in a variety of ways. One-way he teaches me is to illustrate his truth or message in my life. I remember this example vividly. I was driving, and this other driver did something completely, down right, well stupid. I of course, quick to judge, verbalized how stupid they were. Literally, not ten minutes later I committed a similar driving faux pas. I instantly recalled how I had just called the other driver stupid. I was convicted right there, I am no different then the other driver. They needed the same grace that I wanted extended to me, to them.

Another way that God teaches me is with what I like to call the two by four method. Sometimes, I can be so closed, or stubborn, that God has to keep bringing the thing he is trying to teach me up, over and over and over again. Kind of like being hit on the head with a two by four. Not that God desires, or wants to hit anyone or me over the head. However, in my life in those times when I am less then receptive to what God is trying to show me He has used this method.

As I sat listening to the sermon yesterday and the dots started to connect and all of the sudden I got it. I mean I really got it. I practically was on the verge of standing up in the middle of the sermon saying, “Got it, I heard you loud and clear Lord.” Thankfully, I restrained myself.

For a couple of weeks now, I have been hearing things about bitterness, and forgiveness. I have been resistant to this message because there are some people that a) I don’t want to forgive b) They have hurt me and are in a position to hurt me again and c) I don’t like them. Now I recognize that is not the attitude one should have or is even suppose to have. Yesterday when I was listening to the sermon and the Pastor, who was preaching on Acts 1:8 you will be my witness to the ends of the earth, said part of the going to the ends of the earth is going to those we do not like, I began to think, “Uh Oh God is trying to tell me something.” Then, the Pastor went on to challenge us to live through the power of the Holy Spirit with those we don’t like with forgiveness, joy, acceptance and gratitude. Then it went from thinking God was trying to tell me something to knowing God is trying to tell me something.

What is funny about the whole process is that while I have the big idea of what God is trying to teach me, I am uncertain as to how it will all play out or what it will look like once it is all said and done. What is funny about it is I have just come to realize that part of my struggle with this lesson is the fear of what I THINK God will do. I have been resistant because of what I THINK. Nothing has even begun to move in a direction that would lead me to conclude that God is even thinking about moving in the direction I fear He will go. Even so I am resistant to even take the first step forward because of what I fear might happen. It reminds me of the book with Grover and he doesn’t want you to turn the pages because there is a monster at the end of the book. When you get to the end of the book Grover was worried for nothing because HE was the monster at the end of the book. Grover was fearful about what he thought would happen and he almost missed having the book be read. It makes me realize I don’t want to miss the end just because I am afraid of what the end might be. Who knows? Maybe I will get to the end and like Grover, I’ll realize the thing I was afraid of was me.

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