

It was during our first adoption from Ethiopia that God grew a passion for orphans and orphan care. We are currently in the process of bringing home a 5 year old girl with special needs from China. We can't do it alone. Please consider becoming piece of the puzzle.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Putting Together a Puzzle

When we decided to do our puzzle fundraiser I did not think about what that really meant. If you have spent more than five minutes with me you know thats how I am. Quick to jump in. Then look and think HMMM how am I going to do this. So as I opened our 1000 piece puzzle i just stared at all the pieces. How are we going to start this putting this puzzle together? The answer is simple, 1 piece at a time. My wonderful husband said look for all the border pieces first. So I did. Then I had the boys double check me and look through the pieces I just looked at. They found more borders. Then the fun of trying to put together all the pieces we found. All of this so we could do what was behind all the puzzle endeavor.

Write the names of the precious peeps who bought a puzzle piece and are helping us bring home our missing piece. Every person who has shared or shares our story, is praying for us and encourages us in this adoptwating journey is precious to me and I am thankful for your help. Our story would not be complete without you! So far we have sold 95 pieces of our puzzle. It is exciting! We are awed and humbled by peoples willing to step with us in this journey. We are 95 pieces closer to brining home our missing piece. I wanted you to see our progress. The first is the side with everyones name. The second is of the picture of what the puzzle actually looks like.

If you are wondering what this whole puzzle thing is you can read the full blog here. The basics of how to become a part of our puzzle go like this
  • Here's how it works: We have a 1000 piece puzzle; every piece is part of her/our story to bring her home
  • Each piece is $10
  • You may choose to be one piece of the puzzle or several pieces of the puzzle.
  • You can click on our DONATE button which brings you Paypal or message/email/comment and to get my address so you can mail a check
  • YOUR name will be written on the back of each piece you represent
  • If you are willing please share our blog and link with others who might like to be piece of the puzzle.
So thankful for all you!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Who wants to be a piece of our puzzle?

In million years I never thought I would blog, let alone ask someone to guest post for my blog. How did it happen let me tell you. I was talking with a friend about us getting ready to start our puzzle fundraiser and they explained others getting involved in adoption fundraisers so beautifully more beautifully than I could I said you should write my blog about our fundraiser. And a guest post was born. With out further introduction here is one way to view adoption fundraising. 

As an adoptive mom, the subject of costs and funding an adoption can often come up in conversation with just about anyone.  When I have spoken with parents beginning the adoption journey (for the first time or the second time), the topic of paying tens of thousands of dollars for it all will often surface.  It isn’t always the simplest topic to broach.  And, sometimes my answer seems like the “easy” cop-out answer.  God provides.  He has provided, does provide, and will continue to provide  However, that doesn’t mean that we can just sit back and watch Him do it without trying to make an effort to pay for the adoption journey He calls some of us to.  So how does a person do their part to pay the astronomical costs of adopting?  Whether it be through minimizing a budget and cutting corners, saving dimes and pinching pennies, selling big stuff or selling little trinkets, I believe God uses many avenues to provide.  Some we cannot explain at all and some we can.  One great way though is through fundraising. I truly feel that fundraising is not selfish or an “easy” solution and can serve many purposes- not just the obvious gathering of money for an adoption.  It has meaning. I was sharing some of those reasons and purposes with Tracy recently.  It was then that we decided I should be a guest blogger here to share that with you… How can fundraising for adoption be a good thing?

Let me start with some verses… 
Psalm 10:14b “…Thou hast been the helper of the orphan.”
Isaiah 1:17  “Learn to do good; seek justice, reprove the ruthless; defend the orphan, plead for the widow.”
James 1:27 “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”

1- Fundraising spreads the word about adoption.  Whether you look at the references above or the numerous others in Scripture about helping the widow and the fatherless, there is no way around it- God wants us to care for the orphan.  If someone is hosting a fundraiser, they are likely going to encourage others to join this cause, advocate for the orphans, and educate others regarding the need for adoption.  Children need families. Permanent families. PERIOD.  Fundraising lets people know that something can be done- and anybody can do it.
2- Fundraising allows other people to take part in something beautiful.
   *Someone who donates funds has become a part of that child’s life and story.  They are a piece of the puzzle that brings the family together.  Many people want to be able to help and have no idea how to do so.  Although I could go off on a list of other practical hands-on helpful things to do for adoptive families, I want to focus on funding right now. :)  Although funding the adoption- even in a small amount- might seem easy or of little importance, it is VERY meaningful and worthwhile.
    * There are so many people who want to follow God’s commands to care for the fatherless, yet they are simply not called to adopt at this time. There are certainly many other ways to care for these dear ones and participating in a fundraiser is one of them as it enables an adoption to occur.
3- Fundraising brings joy.
    While it may take all the humility the person adopting can muster to swallow their pride and ask for money, it allows someone else to receive JOY from giving and being a part of something beautiful. (And, let me just say here that adoption is beautiful. It is a rough and bumpy journey.  It starts in a very dark, sad place for our children.  Yet, no matter how that road twists and turns and dips and climbs, those children need a family to travel with them through life.  So, the act of adopting IS beautiful.)  Yes, there is JOY for the giver in a fundraiser and joy- mixed with gratitude- for the receiver. And, let’s face it, the ultimate recipient of the monetary gifts is our children.  That certainly warrants joy.  We already know that God smiles on adoption.

   God can raise the money any way He wants with or without us, but it is our job to be faithful to what He calls us.  He calls us all to care for the orphan & widow- whether by welcoming them into our home or shouldering a burden or sponsoring a child or building a relationship.  We have a duty to fulfill and fundraising can be a great way to fulfill it.

I could not have said that any better! What does our puzzle look like? 

So how do you become a part of our puzzle? 
  • Here's how it works: We have a 1000 piece puzzle; every piece is part of her/our story to bring her home
  • Each piece is $10
  • You may choose to be one piece of the puzzle or several pieces of the puzzle.
  • You can click on our DONATE button which brings you Paypal or message/email/comment and to get my address so you can mail a check
  • YOUR name will be written on the back of each piece you represent
  • If you are willing please share our blog and link with others who might like to be piece of the puzzle.

Once all the pieces of come together we will frame it between tow pieces of glass and hang it in our daughters room to show her all those who are a part of her story. 

Whose ready?

(Click on read more to see our donate button) 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Jumping Through Hoops Should Be Considered Exercise

Since this is not my first adoptwaiting I was ready for the great paper chase they call a home study and submitting for LOI (AKA  letter of intent).  We needed medicals. Done. We needed to fill out finacial statements. Done. Background checks Not that easy. I thought you could call the local police and request one. I did this for our first adoption. But things had changed. 10 phone calls later; I wanted to commit a crime so I could get a my background checked. I didn't, in case your wondering.

I got our background checks back from our local county and I have a problem. You see back in 2010 I was speeding. Its true, I was. I got pulled over and much to my surprise I got a warning. No ticket. Yay. Except, I did not have my current insurance card with me in the car. I had insurance cards for the past two years for both cars but not my current card. Boo. Because of this the officer gave me a warning ticket. I had to go and show my insurance card at the station. Once I did that it would all be okay. I did just that and never thought about it again. Until I got my background check back. Our agency thought that did not look good to have this dismissed lack of insurance on there. So I needed to try to get a background check without traffic violations. I knew we would have to get fingerprinted for our home study but I needed a background check sooner than that.  So I went to get fingerprinted with a private agency. 5 days later I got exactly what I needed. The clear background check I expected the first time. When we met with our home study agency I learned I needed background checks with every state I lived in since I turned 18. Plus, they need to check the child abuse registry. Plus, I need to get a child abuse registry check from New Zealand since I lived there as well. I asked our social worker if my background would get dinged for getting checked so much. She said no. :)

I thought I was in the clear for hoop jumping for a moment. When our Lifeline social worker called me and said "Just to be on the safe side" I needed to get a psychological evaluation. What? How do you even do that? Imagine making the phone calls I made. "Hello, I am in the process of adoptwaiting and  I need to get a psychological evaluation. Do you do that?" Just saying that sounds crazy. Now I have always said adoptwaiting made me crazy. I guess now they needed proof this was true. :) I found someone who has done psychological evaluations for people who are adopting and made an appointment. I figured not passing would just mean she would not let me leave that day and that they would take me away in a white coat, right there. Thankfully, that did not happen. The best part about all of this is I am actually going to get a piece of paper that says I am "normal" and not crazy. Not everybody can say that.

Jumping though these hopes reminded me how many hoops I DONT have to jump through for so many other things in my life. It made me thankful. It also reminded me when our girl is home all this hoop jumping will make it easier to chase her around. But more importantly how it will be worth it in the end.