

It was during our first adoption from Ethiopia that God grew a passion for orphans and orphan care. We are currently in the process of bringing home a 5 year old girl with special needs from China. We can't do it alone. Please consider becoming piece of the puzzle.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

We Would Love To Have You Pray For Us While We Are Getting Our Girl

We leave on Friday June 10!!!!!! I am still terrified and excited all at the same time! We would covet people to pray for us as we go to get Mabel and as the boys stay here and enjoy friends. China is 13 hours ahead of CST.

July 9- We drop the boys off. Pray for them and pray for us. My momma's heart is struggling
July 10- We fly out. Please pray for no delays for our flight, and for good weather. Pray Jeff and I would do well on the long flight. Pray for no motion sickness and claustrophobia would not be an issue for me. 
July 11- That we would sleep well and have no issues with jet lag. 
July 12- Pray for no issues with jet lag, safety as we take the train to where we will pick up Mabel. Prepare our hearts and Mabel for our meeting. Pray also for health. 
July 13- Pray for Mabel and her heart as she meets us for the first time. For Jeff and I to have wisdom on how to best know how we can win her heart and to build trust with her. Mabel has many eye issues we are not sure how her sight or lack thereof will affect this meeting. Please pray for this as well. 
July 14- Continued prayers for our adjustment and for Mabel's adjustment. For all of us to stay healthy. 
July 15 -Pray for Mabel's heart, pray that she would be able to trust us. Continue to pray for Mabel and her vision issues and how we could work around those to bond.
July 16- Today is Zeke's birthday. So thankful that we get to be his parents. Pray for Both Zeke and Nate as they are away from us that would enjoy their time away. Pray also for them and their adjustment to Mabel coming home.
July 17- We fly from Beijing to Guangzhou. Pray for safety. Pray for Mabel as this is her first flight. We are not sure how she will respond to flying. Pray also for her and I to not have any motion sickness. Pray for good weather as we fly. 
July 18- Today Mabel will have her medical visa exam. They will have to draw blood. Pray for Mabel and pray for us to be able to comfort her. Pray that all her test results would come back the way we need them too
July 19- Pray for all of us to continue to adjust to one another and that we continue to stay healthy 
July 20- There will be many other adoptive families in Guangzhou pray that we would be able to connect and that our time would be rich and mutually encouraging 
July 21- Today is our consulate appointment. Pray all goes well and for no paperwork glitches
July 22- Today is the day we can get Mabel's visa to come home. Pray for no glitches and that we can get her visa this day.
July 23- We travel to Hong Kong. Pray for safety, no motion sickness for both Mabel and I. Pray for transitions to another new place.
July 24- We leave to travel home! Pray for no travel delays, safety and no motion sickness. Pray we all would do well on such a long flight. When we land in Dallas pray that the line in customs goes smoothly. Pray that we would make our connecting flight to Chicago without a hitch. Pray for all of us as we begin the process of being a family of 5!

We are blessed and thankful for each and every person who is with us on this journey!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy the ride! I have been there with three international adoptions myself. My prayers go with you and your family :)
